
If marked with * the workshop is held in English, if not we’ll try to  arrange translation, but we can’t guarantee it.

Wednesday June 1st 15.00-21.00

15.00 Welcoming to the festival and presentation of the program
15.30-17.00 Queer People of Color
A room to open a dialogue together for people who define themselves as non-white and queer, have experience of being defined by others by race, and of a structural racist repression and discrimination. Please respect that this is a space for separate organization.
15.30-17.30 Queer and Trans Voice lab *

For people interested in actively working with their voice. This workshop focuses on voice in transition, gendered voices in different variations and vocal socialization.
How do one find a voice that feels right and suits ones expression? How do we use our voices whilst angry/ sad/ happy/ insecure or excited?  How does the voice work differently in private versus public spaces? How does hormones work (the ones that effect the voice)?
How can we raise our voices and trust that they won’t let us down? and scream from the top of our lungs at demonstrations without being hoarse the next day?
There will be focus on skill sharing, practical exercises and theory. A safer and respectful space is encouraged because safer and respectful spaces are awesome and because vocal work can be a sensitive affair.
16.00-17.30 Asylum, gender and politics
Conversation about sexual and migration policies and the links in between, about who is considered worthy of human rights and not, about what is considered political work and political action and what the consequences of this in the asylum process, about the situation of undocumented LGBTQ persons and also about what the next step is in the fight for a world without borders.
With: Fatme Megahid (LGBTQ-group No one is illegal), Trifa Shakely (Ain’t I a woman campaign) and Ulrika Westerlund(RFSL).
Conversation in Swedish.
17.30-18.30 The political aspect of trans
Far from the gender investigations explainations are other explanations, and other ways of existing that challenges the cis-hegemony. This lecture is about how we as trans-people embodies feminism and pose a real threat to prevailing gender structures.
With: Kaiko and Lasse from Trans Militant Brigade
Lecture in Swedish.
17.30-18.30 Homonationalism and queer alliances *
A discussion about homonationalism. Discussions of racism often create uneasiness. When someone is accused of being racist or taking part of a racism system, people tend to refuse the accusations. This was also the official reply to Judith Butler’s refusal of the civil courage prize at the Berlin “Pride” (Christopher Street Day) last year, where she argued for the need to take action against the use of homosexuality within state racism and “homonationalism”. This workshop aims at creating a framework to discuss racism on a structural level. We will introduce and discuss concepts such as homonationalism, queer liberalism, whiteness, privilege, and racism to better understand how race and sexuality work together. How can we create a space to discuss racism within a queer space? Themes for discussion: Alliance politics, intersectionality, “freedom” as a normative ideal?, religion/secularity. The presentation will contextualize the debate with examples  from Copenhagen, while the discussion will open for Swedish examples.

19.00-21.00 Trial against racism
In this people’s tribunal, racism is on trial for its crimes committed against humanity during history and in the present.
Prosecutor: Trifa Shakely
Witnesses: Athena Farrokzhad, Sissela Nordling Blanco, Mac Velasquez, Ghadir Hilmi
Judge: Wilo Abdulle

Wednesday June 1st 21.00- 03.00

21.10 Frireligiösa bordellteatern
21.20 Reading with Vulgo
21.30 Frireligiösa bordellteatern
21.40 Kumbia Drag
21.50 Frireligiösa bordellteatern 
22.00 MAN – an investigation (theatre)

21.30 DJ Bugg Illegal + dancing workshop
22.40 DJ Conchita
23.50 Etzia
Serengeti, Etzia & DJ Partillo – We Run Tings
00.20 DJ Isis
01.30 DJ Rudy&Lo

Thursday June 2nd 12.00-17.00

12.00-13.30 Psycho radicalism: a survival guide-workshop for everyone who lives in a sick society. Introducing a couple of psychos, following up with discussions in smaller groups. What is our place in a queer context? What kind of possibilities and difficulties do we see as a consequence of our mental status? What do we wish from each other and from the society as a whole? Welcome to ventilate, snivel and freak out on the structures that motivates a pathologization of struggle for deviations and resistance against state and capital. Workshop is open to everyone, in Swedish.
With: Sofie Scapa Wahlström and Johnny Kovanen.
12.00-13.30 ASWAT / Pinkwashing the occupation *
What are the challenges facing the Feminist Palestinian Queer Movement, and how Queer is the Palestinian Peaceful Resistence? Our workshop will present some of the main challenges facing the Feminist Palestinian Queer Movement today, and address our personal, social and political struggles as a multi-oppressed group: as Palestinian, as Feminist, and as Queer in the context of Israel / Palestine.
With: ASWAT and Queers against pinkwashing
12.30-14.00 The transfeminist movement’s growth and goal
Where are we right now and where are we going? We see the revolutionary potential in a trans identity, how it refuses to subsume itself in a binary gender construction, how trans can be used as a tool in the feminist struggle and how we as trans persons embody feminism and pose a real threat to the dominant gender structures. An open discussion for the ones of us who in some way want to be part of the Transfeminist movement. Cis is narrow. Trans is big and holds many identities, welcome butches, sissie fags, femmes, butch sissies, intersexuals, trannies, intergenders transexuals and more.
Discussion in Swedish.
13.00-14.00 Queer People of Color

A room to open a dialogue together for people who define themselves as non-white and queer, have experience of being defined by others by race, and of a structural racist repression and discrimination. Please respect that this is a space for separate organization.
14.00-15.30 Is the Butch an endangered specie? The butch exists but isn’t visible anymore. The definition of butch: this is a workshop for you who identify as butch. The butch has always challenged the heteronormativity by not looking like ”a real woman”. Today there is room for more identities and designations for norm breakers. What does it mean to have butch identity today? How do others acknowledge your identity? In what contexts do you feel understood/misunderstood? Is there a context where you feel that you don’t want to use the butch epithet? In what contexts do you feel safe to do so? What affects that choice? What strategies do you have to handle the ideas of butchness that come from the outside world? Discrimination exists between different identifications among gay women, are androgynous or have a butch identity. What are your expericences? Is it like ”the butch” doesn’t exist but have been replaced by other identities? If so, why is that? What does a ”male identity” mean? Made invisible in society: the butch is only visible in a few places, both in reality and in the media. We discuss gender-politics and mainstream medias conception of butch identity.
Workhop in Swedish.
14.15-15.30 Conversation on class and queer

15.30-16.30 No Safer Space at Copenhagen Queerfestival 2011 *
Aim of workshop: collective exploration of ways to create the best possible space for queer politics, alliances and fun. For some years now Safer Space Policy (SSP) has created an idea of Copenhagen Queerfestival as a refuge from daily struggles and discriminatory structures. But the idea remained an idea. CphQF was not a safe zone and maybe it shouldn’t be. Developing queer politics is not necessarily a safe or comfortable process, it can be challenging, scary and even painful. This year there will be no SSP at the festival. But what are the dangers implied in leaving this set of guidelines of values and conduct behind? How to make everyone engage in the a collective responsibility to create a space where everyone can learn and develop without it being on the expence of any particular individuals? The workshop will take of from the dilemmas that the organizing group of CphQF confronted as the decision was made not to have SSP in 2011. Physical exercises will be implemented to nurture the discussions!
15.30-16.30 Institutional violence
All institutions that exists in a racist, patriarchal world are by definition violent. In this workshop we will discuss the kinds of violence that are legitimized by state and institutions. Violence and offences made by police, military, the unemployment services, immigration services and social services.
With: Mac Velasquez.
Workshop in Swedish.

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  1. Ses snart på festivalen! | Intersektionell Aktion - June 1, 2011

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